BoreBuddy Dedicated AR22 Pressure Plug (buffer replacement)



12 in stock



The dedicated pressure plug puts pressure against the back of the 22lr bolt carrier group and increase reliability of dedicated 22lr uppers.  It replaces the buffer entirely, saving cost and several ounces of weight.  Buffer spring not included.

Designed to fit rifles using a BoreBuddy/CMMG/PSA/RTB style 22lr bolt.


These parts provide pressure against the back of the 22lr bolt carrier group and increase reliability of both conversions and dedicated 22lr uppers.  Rather than installing on top of your buffer like the original pressure plug, this plug attached to a buffer spring and replaces the buffer completely for dedicated 22lr builds.

Designed to fit rifles using a BoreBuddy/CMMG/PSA/RTB style 22lr bolt.  22LR USE ONLY, DO NOT USE WITH CENTERFIRE UPPERS.
